Full Moon in Cancer, January 13th 2025

Full Moon in Cancer, January 13th 2025

Full Moon in Cancer at 23°

January 13 2025

Mars - Moon Conjunction within 3° of Cancer

Mars - Pluto continued Opposition within 3°..


Mars is Retrograde (see my previous post on Mars v Pluto for more depth into the background energies of this placement)


Combined energies create a resurgence of hidden truths, disillusionments rise to the surface. The unseen, becomes visible to all


Sun in Capricorn in direct opposition of the full moon at exact ° within 3°


Combined energies allow heart centered truth to be revealed for greater evolvement of humanity


A regenerative full moon, empowered by the heart of humanity and its mission to evolve in love as we enter a golden era of light is upon us.


The moon and sun are in an activated T-square with Chiron in Aries. These energies allow for a synthesis and transformation, a merging of opposites, a healing if differences for the purpose of a mass collective healing in compassionate union. A release of separation ideologies, belief systems and structures that divide humanity are collapsed. A transformation of I Am victim to We Are, in compassionate unity for the evolution of humanity in its highest form of love will be activated.


Moon sextile South Node in Virgo at 29° within 2°

  • a completion and evolutionary expansion of consciousness integrated with a huge leap away from the old system.
  • An opportunity to work out and resolve a karmic situation will appear to allow another chance to settle the issue peacefully. Hint: compassionate understanding prevails. Be present. Release the situation in true peace to receive the blessing.


Moon + Sun sextile Uranus in Taurus within 1°

The combined energies are deeply seeded systems being dismantled erased and redeveloped a new direction for humanity has been created. Authenticity triumphs over false plays in every aspect. Be who you are, not what you think others want to see.


An incredible surge of usable energies have been combined for our use and involvement into the next phase of consciousness. The moon is in a harmonious trine aspect with the north node and Neptune.


These combined energies allow a new and regenerative mana sourced by Monad as healing to envelope humanity as we enter an era of compassion, peace, golden light and love. Our true nature of existence, to allow a space for creative play and work to fuse into one will be prominent.


To allow ourselves to embody the imprints of our soul to our personality.


To allow these imprints to rule over our lower selves so our souls expression is widely visible.


To allow our soul expression to be the light of our hearts.


To allow our soul-lit heart to illuminate the path in our lives so we are able to live out our destiny and soul work in complete harmony and alignment with our free will.


The end of disillusionment has arrived. Welcome the new era of concrete information + collective intuitive consciousness.




“I release all that is no longer beneficial to my and our collective expansion of love, light, intuition and guidance. I welcome and embrace all that is good, pure, alive, golden and white light, for the betterment of my physical body, mental body and emotional body, including the collective humanity as a whole.”


And so it is.


Check where 23° of Cancer is in your own chart to see where the energies of this full moon will be shining their light.


Crystals for this time:






Herkimer Diamonds

Clear Quartz


When you take care of yourself with integrity, moral value, and ethics, on a soul level, the universe takes care of you. You will become a master manifester at will. Visualization in practice will become your greatest gift in creating life. A life you want to live. Every planetary shift and cosmic dance we experience is another opportunity to find the balance, the harmony, the center of all things. To resolve and rework karma. To live and become the greatest versions of ourselves.


Look to the stars, feel with your heart.

Love, Light & Infinite Magic,

-LA Moon



[2025 themes]







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