Full Moon in Leo, February 12th, 2025

Full Moon in Leo, February 12th, 2025

On February 12th, 2025 there is a full moon in Leo at 24°

The theme for this full moon is: “what’s in the dark rises to the surface“

This moon gives the confidence to look deep within to feel even the most uncomfortable and painful experiences and transmute them.

The energies of this full moon in Leo will carry us together through a new way of being for humanity.

Full moon

  • Completion
  • Divine feminine
  • Releasing and letting go
  • It is finished
  • Abundance
  • What has been will be again
  • Faithful joy


  • We togetherness
  • Dream to create
  • Imagine to create
  • Sun
  • Heart center
  • Masculine

The combined energies of the full moon in Leo represent balance and a reconstruction, rebuilding more effective and balanced energies in harmony with who we are today and where we want to head as humanity, as a whole.

Focused intentions during this full moon are:

Creative abundance at Will

We will embody higher light energy to carry us into the New World more effectively. We will be created in harmony with all that is good.

Mars continues retrograde in cancer during this moon phase.

Processing emotions and deep healing come easily during this full moon. What was once too painful to feel has now completed its healing process.

The full moon in Leo allows us to:

  • Flow into an ease of completion
  • Be energized and empowered by Mars in Cancer
  • Pushes us to heal
  • Generational chords healed
  • Free and clear to write your own story
  • Pave a new way of living

Venus in Aries:

  • Venus in Aries, your love expression is not waiting around. It is self-fulfilled and taking charge.

You may experience out-of-body sensations or the feeling that reality is further away than ever. Major downloads, new connections, and new communication networks are being created, crystalline energy, rainbow lightbody activation, and intuitive creation and connections embody our being.

Our physical bodies are becoming more light, more crystalline and more intuitive. We are becoming more sensitive to food upgrade, higher quality choices when you’re able to.

The full moon (and sun) at 24° T squares Uranus

Intuition flows naturally and you’re able to communicate in new ways with a clear stronger connection from crown to throat chakra - truth flows

You may feel upside down and inside out you are not alone. We as a collective consciousness and humanity as we know it are going through this transition together. We are in the process of an upgrade that will benefit and support us for generations to come.

These times remind me of this quote:

“Crisis is a prelude to all expansions of consciousness” -Dr. David Hawkins

Integrate the new energies and release the old through water therapy, jacuzzi, massages, beach, sungazing, nature walks and fasting.

Words of affirmation:

“I release what no longer fuels my desires, what no longer nourishes me, releases from me. I embody only what is the highest good for my physical, emotional, and mental bodies. And so it is.“

We are all being prompted to live more authentically more connected to our Soul. We are being called to speak from our Soul body, and not allow outside forces to influence our inner peace nor distract us from our personal development and soul work.

Wherever 24° Leo is found in your chart, that house, or area of life, is where the energy and your full moon intentions should be focused for optimal potential and realization of your intentions. 

Every planetary shift and cosmic dance we experience is another opportunity to find the balance, the harmony, the center of all things. To live and become the greatest versions of ourselves. 


Look to the stars, feel with your heart.

Love, Light & Infinite Magic,

-LA Moon

Contact me for personal readings

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