Pluto entered Pisces, March 2020, and is now transiting into Aquarius. Major breakthrough of old programs and release of the bondage of government, including all other controlling forces outside of self. A renewed sense of remembrance and a refocused energy and understanding of why we are here. People are learning to live again.
During this transit we can expect great transformations of mass consciousness;
Breaking the old rules that no longer fit humanity to make way for a more peaceful, centered way of living for generations to come;
The great rebellion. We will no longer be silenced, nor will we accept ways of living that are against our soul evolution on a personal and group conscious level.
Aquarius will be the lens of earthly karma for Pluto to shine
You can ease into this transition by examining your own life and if you haven't already, begin to make small changes that bring you closer to nature. Reduce the amount of material items you have to allow the old energy to flow away and new usable energy to be received.
Your physical body will need extra nourishment during this phase. Be mindful of your consumption of food and alcohol. Eat to nourish, heal and increase intuition through living foods as much as possible.
We are in the process of healing years of past lives, trauma and old patterns that no longer serve humanity. Thank you for being here during these exciting times.