New Moon in Pisces, February 27th 2025

New Moon in Pisces, February 27th 2025

February 27, 4:44 New moon - 6 planets visible in the night sky creating an alignment

On February 27, 2025, at 4:44 PM Pacific Standard Time in the western hemisphere. We have a new moon in Pisces at 9°. This is an auspicious moon with Saturn, the North Node(where we are headed), Neptune, Mercury, and the Sun and Moon in the constellation of Pisces. This is a lot of water and emotion, deep emotions rise to the surface. There are important changes in motion and an opportunity for karmic clearing, cord cutting, ascension, and ease of transition during this new moon. Nine degrees in Pisces: 9 is completion, focused direction, and established intentions taking shape.

This is a time to set intentions to renew, rebuild, and reinvent yourself, your home or immediate environment, family dynamic, and energy shifts into cosmic consciousness. Practical Magic, lightheartedness, fun in nature, and imaginative play are prominent.

Awaken to your mystical essence within. Your dreams and imagination are activating the renewal of your existence. Playful, childlike memories of lives past; nostalgia, happiness, hopeful joy, innocence, and the confidence to re-create, re-arrange, and renew are surrounding you this new moon.

A sense of inner knowing guided by the wisdom of experiences earned, whether in this life or another, opens you up to create a New World of love here on earth. Seeds planted during this new moon in Pisces will germinate into the fulfillment of dreams and desires. These intentions will set you on a new path guided by your Soul intuition and destiny. 

These are the times we have been waiting for and working towards.

The element water is most energized during this moon phase. This is a time of evolution that will activate deep emotional places within us. They will be easy to navigate through if you allow yourself to feel them. To open yourself up to the imagery or scene of the experience, as the overseer - you will easily discern the lesson, without reliving the trauma to gain wisdom and release the painful memories that may lie within your energy field.. Clearing the cords and transmuting the energy deposits into LIGHT from your emotional, mental, and physical bodies to prevent future generations from working out YOUR karma.

There is no avoiding this moment, or any of the work that is required for ascension. This New Moon and all the cosmic consciousness are supporting you during this phase. You choose if this shadow work will be accepted and worked through at ease or resistance. Choose wisely.

Take the risks, dive into the unknown, and witness a world of magic open up before you. We are the Creators.

Challenges this new moon that may make an appearance:

  • Resisting the shifts
  • Overprotective of personal security (Mars in cancer)
  • Afraid of change
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Ignoring your intuitive hits
  • Excessive drinking or any other consumption that takes you out of connection to source

Pisces is the dreamer, the Imaginator the fantasy “Don’t wait for your dreams to come true, show up and be true to your dreams”.

New moon intentions: “What I dream, I create“

The stage is set to bring your deepest desires and wishes in this lifetime to fruition. You have the support of all the cosmic consciousness, lifetimes of wisdom, and spirit guides watching over you while you bring harmony, balance, and joy into existence now.

The themes of this new moon:

  • New creation
  • Bringing heaven to earth
  • Nothing is off limits when love, innocence and purity is the energy fueling creation
  • New love or an opportunity to rekindle an existing love arises during this new moon (Venus sextile Jupiter)

The energies of this forecast will be highest in the 3 days surrounding the new moon. (26th, 27th, 28th of February)

To be authentic to yourself and others is so important. Do not be led by ego but by compassion for humanity and having a deep understanding of the collective shift for the benefit of all now and generations to come.

And so it is.

We are all being prompted to live more authentically and more connected to our Soul, Higher Mind, and Divinity. We are being called to speak from our Soul body, and not allow outside forces to influence our inner peace nor distract us from our personal development and soul work.

Wherever 9° Pisces is found in your chart, that house, or area of life, is where the energy and your new moon intentions should be focused for optimal potential and realization of your intentions. 

Every planetary shift and cosmic dance we experience is another opportunity to find the balance, the harmony, the center of all things. To live and become the greatest versions of ourselves. 

Look to the stars and feel with your heart.

In Love, Light & Infinite Magic,

-LA Moon

Contact me for personal readings

Aspects noted in this Astrological reading:

The sun and moon are square to Jupiter and Gemini, mercury is Sextile Uranus and midheaven Venus, and Aries is Sextile Jupiter and, Uranus in Gemini is in conjunction with midheaven. Neptune is in a tight conjunction with the north node.

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